October: A Slam By Aasma Kamran

For ladies out there, all young and old age For fighters out there, all ready to show grace For victims out there, fading at snail’s pace October, dear October be a blessing for the braves My mother was a beauty, brown hairs black eyes From head to toe, an example of how to live a life When she fell ill, I thought it was ordinary But the doctors concluded what put me through hell I’ve always admired the way she tied Her long hairs in a pretty French braid Then one day she started to hide under scarfs I was sad, so sad, to see her this bald I cried every night when I heard her threw up Couldn’t tell she was same Cause she gained weight too much I stood deadpan in hallway of hospital The night she lost all her potential It was October, yes October I prayed and prayed October, dear October be a blessing for the braves “Dedicated to all victims and survivors of breast cancer.” Originally Posted on Wordlogue https://wordlogue.wordpress.com/2017/10/28/oct...